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Because Life's Too Short for Crooked Smiles

Think Braces Are Just for Teens? Think Again. Unleash Your Best Smile at Any Age

While many envision a piano's neatly aligned keys when thinking of the perfect set of teeth, the reality is that numerous individuals grapple with misaligned bites, crowded smiles, or crooked teeth. But here's the good news: achieving that dream smile isn't exclusive to childhood.

Childhood, with its rapid bone growth, is indeed an optimal time for orthodontic adjustments. 

Yet, the trend is shifting, with a growing number of adults now seeking orthodontic treatments.

If the idea of adult braces has crossed your mind, here's what you should know:

The Mechanics Behind Adult Braces

Braces, a common orthodontic tool, involve brackets that are either cemented or bonded to teeth. These brackets are periodically adjusted, guiding each tooth to its desired position.

The continuous pressure from braces nudges the teeth in a specific direction. This pressure on the tooth root against the bone leads to bone dissolution, allowing the tooth to move. As the tooth shifts, new bone forms in the space left behind. In some cases, additional tools like elastic bands or springs might be used to enhance the movement.

Exploring Your Options

Adults today have a plethora of choices when it comes to braces, each with its unique advantages and considerations:

  • Traditional Braces: Modern traditional braces use metal wires attached to brackets on the tooth's front. These wires, anchored by back teeth, are tightened every 4 to 6 weeks. 
  • For those seeking a less noticeable option, there are clear or tooth-colored ceramics available. While these braces are often more visible, they tend to yield quicker results.

  • Lingual Braces: Functionally akin to traditional braces, lingual braces have brackets fixed to the inner side of the teeth, rendering them nearly invisible.
  • They're an excellent pick for those prioritizing aesthetics. 
  • However, they might be pricier, demand more maintenance, and could cause tongue irritation or speech challenges.

  • Clear Aligners: These are custom-made plastic trays designed to snugly fit over your teeth. They're removed during meals or teeth cleaning and are periodically replaced to gradually shift teeth. 
  • Their removable nature means they can be lost or forgotten, but they're often the top pick for minor teeth adjustments.

Are Braces Right for You?

While braces offer transformative results, they aren't suitable for everyone. Gum health is paramount; active gum disease patients must address this issue before considering braces. 

Additionally, some
adults might not have the necessary bone density or adequate blood supply for braces. There are also certain bio-mechanical constraints to what can be achieved.

To determine your suitability for braces, a comprehensive dental examination is essential. 

If you're contemplating this journey towards a perfect smile, reach out to us to discuss the possibilities and get expert advice.

Life's Too Short for Crooked Smiles

Get Braced Up! Book Your Appointment Today.

FAQ: Embrace Your Smile - Adult Braces

Why are more adults considering braces now?

  • A growing number of adults are realizing that achieving a perfect smile isn't limited to childhood. 
  • With advancements in orthodontic treatments and a wider range of discreet options, adults are more inclined to seek treatments.

 How do braces work?

  • Braces involve brackets that are attached to each tooth. These brackets are adjusted periodically, guiding each tooth to its desired position. 
  • The continuous pressure from braces causes the bone to dissolve, allowing the tooth to move, and as the tooth shifts, new bone forms in the space left behind.

What are the different types of braces available for adults?

  • Traditional Braces: Metal wires attached to brackets on the tooth's front.
  • Lingual Braces: Brackets fixed to the inner side of the teeth.
  • Clear Aligners: Custom-made plastic trays designed to fit over your teeth.

 Are traditional braces faster than other types?

  • Yes, traditional braces often produce results more quickly than other choices, but they are also more noticeable.

What are the advantages of lingual braces?

  • Lingual braces are nearly invisible as the brackets are fixed to the inner side of the teeth, making them an excellent choice for those prioritizing aesthetics.

Are there any downsides to clear aligners?

  • Clear aligners are removable, which means they can be lost or forgotten. 
  • They're often the top pick for minor teeth adjustments but might not be suitable for more complex orthodontic needs.

 Can everyone get braces?

  • No, braces aren't suitable for everyone. 
  • Factors like gum health, bone density, and adequate blood supply play a crucial role in determining one's suitability for braces.

How can I determine if I'm a good candidate for braces?

  • A comprehensive dental examination is essential. It's recommended to consult with your dentist to discuss your specific needs and get expert advice.

Can braces treat gum disease?

  • No, braces are primarily for aligning teeth. 
  • If you have active gum disease, it needs to be addressed and resolved before considering braces.

How often will I need to visit the orthodontist once I get braces?

  • Typically, for traditional braces, you might need to visit every 4 to 6 weeks for adjustments.
  •  However, the frequency can vary based on the type of braces and individual treatment plans.

How can I get more information or start my journey with braces?

  • Reach out to us and save a slot or visit our dental clinic to discuss the possibilities, get a thorough examination, and receive expert advice tailored to your needs.


The information provided in this response is for educational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional dental or medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

Always seek the advice of a qualified healthcare professional with any questions you may have regarding a dental or medical condition. 

Never disregard professional dental or medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this platform. 

The use of any information provided by this platform is solely at your own risk. 

I Drg Kirti Moorjani assume no responsibility or liability for any consequence resulting directly or indirectly from any action or inaction taken based on the information provided on this platform.

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